Monday, July 13, 2009

New Beginnings Are Here!

The past month has been a journey of inner transformation for many of us. Although our external realities have not yet taken shape, we are moving into greater alignment with our highest selves. We are slowly becoming who we are meant to be. This is the change we have been waiting for!! We now enter the most intense time of this transformation as we journey through the solar and lunar eclipses that are occurring over the upcoming weeks. The lunar eclipse and full moon that just passed gave our shadows an opportunity to reflect back to us the parts of ourselves that we no longer need in our new spaces. It can cause difficult times and feelings of struggle when your old fears and worries resurface, often stronger than ever before. However, we can trust that the universe is delivering us exactly what we need in order to move forward without the baggage that has weighed us down in the past. We are being given the strength with the waves of the upcoming eclipses (another full moon lunar eclipse on August 6th and a solar eclipse on July 22nd) to propel us forward and away from our fears into the arms of our future. I would like to share with you some insight I have received to help make the journey as smooth and full of grace as possible:

Release the illusion of challenges: In the past I have wrote about the challenges on the roads ahead of us. As we fully transition into our lighter energetic vibrations, we are able to see the illusion that challenges are. When we make the conscious choice to transition into our next level of reality, we move past the existence that recognizes life as full of challenges and struggle. From a higher vantage point we can see that the challenges are not challenges at all, simply opportunities to shape and define the life we are living. On a daily basis connect to that place inside of you that knows that the challenges you face are only illusions, the place that can touch the divine perfection and beauty inherent in your life. If you have a hard time finding that place, read on.

Focus on service: Remember that everything you do and every way that you do it is in service to humanity. As energetic beings we are fed the most when we are in loving service to ourselves and to others. As long as we remember that this is our purpose, to serve ourselves, to serve those we love and to serve those that God has sent to us. It is through this service that our true happiness and success in life will come. So put your entire focus on staying in this stream of giving and receiving, in all that you do.

Attention to thoughts, words and actions: During any time of great transition, our accountability and impeccability with our thoughts, words and actions is of the utmost importance. All of the current ‘challenges’ can be released when we can commit to continue moving forward and through our commitment to align our thoughts, words and actions with our highest selves, the very best that we can be. We are supported as we move forward with all of the great planetary shifts that are occurring right now.

Commitment: This year is all about commitment. The year of the Ox is a time of steadfast devotion and ahrd work to form a bond. Once we make the decision about what we really want in each area of our lives, we will be divinely guided to find solutions and grow from every ‘challenge’ that is set in our path.

As we move from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius we will continue to experience many of these growing pains; it is indeed part of the process. So a continual cleansing and detoxifying will be the most beneficial at this time. Seek out life-affirming ways to deal with stress, and to navigate through these times in your life. As you continue to release the worry, fear and concerns you will begin to feel the grace of your new existence, the grace that only inner transformation can bring.

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