Thursday, December 17, 2009

Entering the Darkness....Shaping the New Earth

As our journey has officially begun into our new world, we begin the first of many periods of reflection. As nature cycles it allows us the necessary time out to go within, to journey to the inner depths of our souls. It only takes a moment to disconnect from the outer world spinning around us to tune into the quiet of our mind. During the darker days of winter, we are gifted with a few more of these quiet moments. It is in this darkness, in this valuable season of introspection and gratitude, that our greatest gifts can come, if we only allow them.

The gifts of introspection come when we can allow ourselves to touch our deepest desires and/or our greatest fears. Often it can be a challenge to identify what our deepest desires are; our minds run rampant with the desires of others and the expectations of the world around us. It can be equally challenging to touch our deepest fears, as we often unconsciously protect ourselves from touching the deeply painful wounds of our past and fears for the present and future. However challenging, touching these deep parts of ourselves can allow us to come into a greater place of wholeness, and to evolve into a more open and loving community of earth dwellers.

There are some practical pieces of advice that that have been practiced since the beginning of time. I share these with you today, my gift to you, as you journey into the darkness, I hope these practices can bring to light exactly what you need right now, for it is through the clarity brought on through gratitude, love and an optimistic outlook that our gifts are illuminated and our spirits can truly shine!

Practice Gratitude
Begin with a practice of appreciating what you already have in your life. It is the time of year to take stock of what you have in your life, clear out what you no longer need, and appreciate everything around you. We are infinitely supplied for, and our lives are already blessed beyond measure, no matter the seeming appearances. When we can connect to the blessings, we can start to shift our perspective to align with the New Earth. We are entering a time of limitless gratitude, a glorious time in our lives, when shifts in perspective will open up doors to new realities we never knew existed.

Believe in Yourself
You were given everything that you needed by God and the universal energies that created you to be infinitely successful in this lifetime. Every seeming obstacle is an opportunity to strengthen your spirit and develop your connection with the infinite source of supply that is the true source of our security. When your belief in yourself wavers, take a moment, close your eyes, and connect to the knowing that you are one with the universe that created you. Pray for strength to enter your life if you are weak, pray for insight if your mind is cloudy.

Open to Contradictions
As soon as you touch deep within yourself, you will discover that for everything you are there is another person who holds an opposite belief or attitude. This is the polar nature of our universe; every form of energy exists in relation to it’s opposing force. This means that in the moment you discover a truth, you must acknowledge it’s opposing viewpoint in order to fully grasp the total spectrum of your truth.
Following this pattern, as soon as you decide that you are opening to the strength of your spirit, you will also open to uncovering all the weaknesses of your character. Being open to contradictions means that when you open to one force of nature, you also open to it’s opposite energy. It is in these opposites that we can learn great lessons about ourselves. Learn to hold the opposing viewpoint of the other with peace and acceptance, even if it is in stark contrast to your own beliefs. It is in this holding of opposites that we can begin to transform our own rigidity and that of the world around us. Innovation is born out of walking the middle ground with comfort and ease.

Believe in All Others
Jesus Christ is a figure that we are surrounded with this time of year. Jesus was a human being who held a deep love and reverence for all other human beings, even those who chose to harm him. The book based on his teachings, the bible, teaches us to love our enemies, treat others as we would like to be treated and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We must first learn how to love the enemies within ourselves and learn to treat ourselves with love and respect. As we learn this, we can simultaneously practice with others. The transition that we are moving through into the Age of Aquarius is ushering us into a new way of living with one another. The waves of change have already begun, and we are directly responsible for the rate at which the planet will shift.
We must challenge ourselves to honor each other from a place of deep compassion and reverence. Allow the spirit of Jesus to inspire all of your communication. He challenges us to forgive our enemies. Anger and other defilements of the mind cloud our judgment and communication with others. When one’s mind is clear, it can align with the highest form of communication with ease at all times. Believe in your ability to hold a clear mind and speak with kind and compassionate speech and believe in the ability of your friends and family to do the same.
As we begin to transform the way that we communicate and support one another, the planet will begin to shift in tremendous waves, waves that will catapult us into very new, very happy places of being.

Stay Optimistic and Persevere
The issues that you work on for a lifetime are your greatest gifts, they are your greatest opportunities for joy and transformation. As you begin to view each obstacle that presents itself as an opportunity to improve and change your life for the better; your experiences will begin to shift.

Keep your spirit high through connecting to high frequency vibrations at every chance you get. Music is an excellent way to shift your vibration. Find the music that makes you feel good right now and play it loud – let your whole body feel it. As your body shifts into good-feelings your experience will begin to reflect this.

Trust in the simplicity and absolute nature of the law of attraction. What you think about, you bring into your experience in some form. Keep your thoughts focused on the positive aspects of all situations and the good in all people and you will begin to see your world shift.

It is the simple spiritual principles that we need align with when we are uncertain or unaware of what to do next. Challenge yourself to live with gratitude, find compassion and love for yourself and look for the best in all others. Focus on feeling good, and as you shift into this new vibration, your world will begin to shift, until slowly but surely, we will all be inhabiting this New Earth. The change starts within, so join me as we begin to transform our inner worlds to align with the qualities that we want to see in the world around us.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Creating Our New Space

With all of the shifting energies that have just occurred in the past several months, many of us are restructuring, reorganizing and continuing to take stock of what is really important in our lives. If we allow ourselves to let go of what we thought yesterday, we will be able to move deep into the power of the present moment – the place where the New Earth is being created. This is the place that we have all been waiting for.

Many of us are feeling these shifts right now, things have changed, even if only in a perceptual way, these perceptual shifts lead to the deeper shifts that are beginning around us. As more and more of us find our soul’s purpose, we can allow ourselves to fall deep into the void of time and space to find our way back home.
For those of you who have been ‘back home’, you know the place I am describing. Home is total connection with universal source energy or God. When your relationship with the world around you creates enough of a shift, this connection becomes more possible. Pray for these moments of total oneness with the totality of the energy that exists, for these are great gifts in our human lives, and are introducing us to a whole new way of living.
As you continue to create a sacred space around you, know that it is through finding great peace and balance in your individual life that you will gain greater access to living in the next dimension. The next dimension does not refer to a period of time in the future. You have the power to shift into a new dimension of life on earth through a few simple practices.

Follow your Inner Child
We are one with universal source energy before we are conceived. Therefore, during childhood we are the most connected to the pure natural energy we were born with. What is it that excites your inner child? Do you enjoy playing games, reading books, working with crystals, planting or painting? Make time in your life to follow these deep energetic pathways, find a way of living your life that helps you to connect to that feeling. These are the places that can bring great joy to your life. You can enter into a state of timeless bliss if you can allow yourself to let go and embrace that little girl or boy inside.

Begin Now
Shifting into a new dimension can happen at 1 pm on a Tuesday afternoon, or 4 am on Sunday – this experience is one that you cannot try to control or force. What we can do is strive to look very closely at ourselves and find all opportunities to understand ourselves on a deeper level and to love ourselves. As we begin to change things in our life now, the energetic space around us begins to shift. We are entering a time of rapid manifestation, it is what many people have already been preparing for; hence the mass onslaught of media coverage of this topic. We can create faster than our minds can conceive right now. The clearer our minds are, the clearer channels we are to attract into our lives what we need and want. When we begin now, exactly where we are, we take one step closer to where we know our bliss is.

Release & Cultivate Peace
It is important to honor the presence of our past as valuable teachers. It is also wise to understand that at times we hold onto the energy from past encounters and events in our lives and allow them to impact our current state of mind. Regular cleansing of the past clears your mind from unnecessary clutter. You only need to release what is no longer serving you, release any negativity from your past, the lessons and love can stay. Energetic cleansing of the past has many forms; you can clear away the worries of the day and clear away the pain of a past relationship. Hypnosis and energy healing are two powerful practices to begin to release and shift into the future. Practicing a simple energy healing practice before bed in the evening is a simple yet effective way to cleanse anything unnecessary that you have picked up over the course of the day. Try a chakra clearing meditation or other energy healing practice. Regular cleansing will allow your energy field to stay fresh and clear.

One of the biggest thought forms to release is worry. However, regular energy healing practices can allow you to be free of worry. As you regularly move and cleanse energy from the field that surrounds your body - all thought forms, emotions and physical energy is moved. Therefore, strong emotions get cleared out. Emotions act like adhesive in your energy field, the stronger an emotion is in any area of your body, the more energy moves towards that area. When there is emotion stuck in one area for a long period of time it can create energetic blockages. The more often you clear, the less the worry has to stick to when it tries to come back in.
Cultivating peace is part of each of our mission’s here on earth. Join together with others to stand up and speak what you believe with an open heart and kind tongue. The Earth is changing, we are at the precipice of a very new time, there is great divide between the old world and new world at this time. The only way to still interact with those still in the old world is with a deep regard for peace in your heart. Know that we all share the mission of cultivating peace, speaking with love and living our lives from our hearts.

The Harvest

As we continue to practice these new ways of being, the single most powerful practice we can hold is that of gratitude. Join me to challenge yourself to express gratitude every day in every way for the next 44 days. Remember, as you shift your vibration up and out you open yourself to more opportunities coming to you. Everything is energy. Remind yourself of how the harvest you reap is in direct energetic harmony with the energy that you embody. This means you can work hard, but be closing yourself off energetically to abundance in your life. Opening energetically means getting to know yourself and extending your love, compassion and generosity out in as many ways as possible.
Mind your thoughts and challenge yourself to align all thoughts, words and actions with love, compassion and generosity. This is what the world needs right now, as as we continue to give to others, so will then be given to us. Make a decision to search for ways to feel good in any situation that life brings, and only good will come to you in the future. Take stock of what you have now and plan for a year of generosity, love and compassion in order to enjoy the plentiful harvest to come next fall.

However we get there, we are all in for quite a bit more settling down into place. The biggest shifts have come for know, so we can take comfort in the respite that lie ahead. Take the next three months to assess where you are, where you want to be, and the steps to take in 2010 to get there. I join you in spirit on this journey of redefining and moving together into the next dimension.

with starry eyes and a moonlit soul,


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Abundant Living: Clean and Clear As We Come into Being

As many of us have been settling into our next phase of being, the present has come with a sense of groundlessness, a sense of not knowing while still needing to be clear about the here and now. Know that you are not alone; energetically right now the planet is going through tremendous energetic shifts. When the earth shifts into a new astrological age over the next several hundred years these energetic shifts will become more and more commonplace. We are entering into a time of great uncertainty, but also of great potential. As human beings we can choose to ride with the waves of energy shifting around us or against them.

You can determine if you are shifting with these planetary waves by the way you feel. Your emotions are your signposts. Think about the various activities that fill your day, What make you feel joyous? What makes your heart sing? These activities are energetically aligned with your soul. When your soul is in complete alignment, EVERYTHING FEELS GOOD!! Aligning with what makes us feel good will only lead to more of the same.

If and when you encounter those activities, situations, places or people that do not make you feel good, ask yourself; How can I do something differently so that this activity brings me joy? If you cannot find a way, try releasing this activity from your life. If you cannot release it from your life, try sitting with it, just observing what about the situation does not feel good. It is out of our deepest struggles and challenges that inspiration, ingenuity; perseverance and ultimately joy are born. Trust this process; it is the natural flow of the universe. All energy, all living things go through a natural life cycle, we all ebb and flow with the universal currents that surround us.

As all of this shifting takes place, there are inevitably pieces of ourselves that we need to clean up. Energetic shifting can be a messy process! Therefore, it is essential that we continuously clean and clear ourselves from the inside out, for with the harvest also comes cleaning everything away so there is room for abundance to flow into your life.

This philosophy is at the center of abundant living. When you have thoughts, emotions and things surrounding you that you need to let go of, your energy field can become cluttered, weighed down, and there is no room for ANYTING to flow in. As we practice dealing with and clearing out all of our stuff systematically we clear the way for the harvest to grow.

I leave you with a story of abundant living:
When I was a child, my grandparents had a large garden and raised chickens and turkeys. They did not have a farm with acres, they lived in a modest home with a large yard that they transformed into a garden. The yard was always impeccable. Someone was always outside sweeping, weeding, or tending to the garden. Every square inch of the garden was full. There were strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, squash, corn, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, and lettuce. The yard was always kept neat and was lined with beautiful flowers. Their cellar was a masterpiece. They carefully canned, froze and stored much of the harvest from the garden for winter months. There house was more of the same, everything was taken care of with extreme care, everything had a place they still joke about having the same water pitcher that they had when my mother was a child. My grandparents were 1st generation Americans, they worked hard, took care of everything that came to them, and lived ABUNDANTLY. There was always fresh food on the table and every need that I ever had was met. Through keeping what they did have simple, clean and clear, they were able to bring tremendous abundance into their lives. They were both able to travel to the home countries of their families several times, and vacationed often as I grew older.

Their lives have forever left me with an ideal to strive for; They showed me how to live abundantly with what they had. As many of us strive to bring more abundance into our lives, my grandparents serve as a beautiful reminder that we are already living abundantly. We live in some of the most affluent countries in the world. We are blessed just by being born into lives with so much freedom and opportunity in our lives.

So, take some time over the upcoming months to clean up and clear out everything in your life, once you clear away everything that is no longer serving you physically, mentally and emotionally, you will find that there is much more space for abundance to flow into your life.

With love,

** Energy healing can be a powerful way to shift these mental, emotional and physical things in our lives that are causing clutter in our energy field. With continued practice and sessions I am lighter and clearer than ever before in my life. I encourage each of you, to begin some energetic healing practices in your own life to begin this shift to embracing your abundance!

Indigo Rising has been holding an energy healing clinic by donation only once a month. We have several of our practitioners (including myself) offering sessions by donation only. This is an excellent opportunity to experience a private healing session by one of our highly qualified practitioners.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Shfting through portals, connecting to inner beauty, preparing for the future.....

As we pass the 1010 energy portal we enter into a week with the power of deep transformation. On dates aligned with sacred geometric energies; especially when dates with high energetic vibration come in rapid succession; 9/9/09, 10/10, 11/11, and 12/12, we experience the rapid manifestation of our desires. This is because energetically right now our earth around us is vibrating at a high energetic frequency. Harvest time is a time of year to tend to the harvest that we have been collecting. We must spend time in communion with our harvest in order to keep ourselves in alignment. As we spend time over the next week soaking up the power of the Sun and Moon in Libra, find time to tend to your own harvest. Go through the piles that have accumulated over the past months, find the beauty in all that you have, for it is in the appreciation of the gifts of the present that we prepare a fertile ground for the growth ahead!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Learning to Embrace What Is.....

As transition remains the only constant in our lives of late, there are many opportunities for growth that come up when things are constantly in flux. It is in hte midst of uncertainty that the grace of our souls can rise. Right now, it is important to follow your heart down the path you are being pulled. As we enter into a full moon in Aries this weekend, there is no time like the present to get the little things done that are going to put you in a place to begin to welcome more happiness, peace and prosperity into your life. As you clear out the clutter in your life, in the nooks and crannies of your life, you clear up energy, energy that can then be channeled into a deeper goal that you need help achieving. The single most powerful way you can help yourself right now is by cleaning out all those nooks and crannies of your life, of your energy field. Challenge yourself to live in alignment with your highest self and to think, speak and act from that self every day. As you do this, the clutter will naturally fall away.... You have a whole world that exists around you energetically, tap into this energy field to help you to gain balance and move toward what your soul needs to be happy and healthy.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Joy of Our New Place......

Although traces of the old world still remain, many of us have already experienced the shift that we have been waiting for. The shifts have been at a deep level, at the level of our subconscious minds and our souls. This is the level in which any significant change occurs first. The physical change is occurring now as well, so if your external reality has not started to shift, keep your faith, for the wave will come your way soon!!

Finding joy where we are now is essential within this cycle of death and birth. There will always be times in our lives when something is ending, when we are transitioning and mourning the loss of our former lives, this always occurs right before we are able to glimpse how our current realities have the potential to hold even more light, joy and abundance than our past.

I have been surrounded by individuals lately that have been without a job. I have observed each of them going through a similar cycle, first of mourning the old job, then entering into a period of getting themselves out there and finding something (planting the seeds), only to next enter a down cycle in which they were contemplating what they were meant to do with their lives and what makes them happy on a deeper level (the gestation period). It was just when each of the individuals found ways to connect to their lives in new ways, having time to contemplate the activities that truly brought them joy and then making decisions to slowly integrate these into their lives, that the phone rang and a job was found (the harvest). The cycle has repeated with family, friends and stories from clients and acquaintances. We are all moving through the same process in one way or another, we just don’t often discuss with other the intimate feelings of our soul, and so we don’t generally connect with people on that level.

This process is one that requires much self-love and patience. It is not always a clean process, and finding a new ground to stand on, once your old ground has fallen from beneath you, can require diligence to shape. So as we stand at the threshold of Fall, on the brink of bringing in the harvest from the seeds we have been planting all year….take some time every day to close your eyes and remember that changes that have already occurred within, as you continue to visualize yourself as that who you wish to be, that new you has no choice but to be birthed into your reality, this process is automatic, simply aligning your thoughts and actions with that of your new reality will always automatically bring about physical change.

As we move through the full moon in Pisces over the next few days, the energies surrounding us will be of heightened sensitivity, this is a powerful time to visualize yourself where you want to be for the moon in Pisces, and especially a full moon offers a heightened connection with the energetic world, and by connecting to this place while visualizing your future self, you have the opportunity to propel the current possibilities of your external reality forward. Take advantage of the energy that the cycles of nature provide you and you will fall into a rhythm; flowing with the river of life and being with the present moment in a way that allows your future to grow into it’s highest potential.

From my place in the universe to yours, blessings for the days ahead,


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hark the Hearld Angels Sing......

As we enter September and into the latter part of 2009, the shifting that we have been experiencing for so long is coming into physical manifestation within our bodies. For those of us that have been at the forefront of the shifts that have been taking place over the past decade, our new realities are finally in sight. What we visioned our lives to be has now moved into our tangible reality. If you find yourself still visioning and not feeling so much in your physical reality, fear not, for the wave will hit you soon, change is officially here!
What many of us have collectively realized at a deep level at this time, is that the change began initially with our perspective and outlook. We are learning that it is how we see the world that is changing, and as this view shifts, so does our immediate physical reality. It is in this place that the oneness with life and with the universe arises from.
In other words, when we can vision ourselves as having something or being a certain way and then, we work towards actually making that vision a reality, we can experience our lives as the change we have wanted to make…… or better. Have you ever set a goal for yourself and then met it, or exceeded your own expectations? Do you remember how good that felt? This is the same feeling that is aligned with the purest vibration on earth, that of true joy, that of source energy. It is from this place that our ability to manifest is at it’s height.
So those of us that are feeling this heightened connection with life right now (whether that be a pleasant or painful feeling) are experiencing what it feels like to reach or not reach our goals. In the areas of our lives that we are still figuring out we might not yet know how to reach our goals, causing ourselves unconscious suffering and pain. However, in the areas in which our goals are met, we feel more aligned then ever with our highest selves. This process continues, forever, it continues as long as we live in a lighter and lighter vibration, and it continues as our soul transcends this reality and enters a new realm of consciousness.
It is then the repositioning of our consciousness now that will help us experience this reality as a success of all of our goals, for this is a feeling that can bring us into alignment like no other. As we put ourselves in position to reposition our ideas about what it means to succeed, then we can shift our perspective today, we can shift our vibration today, we can begin to shift our physical reality today!


Take a moment to get a paper and writing instrument. Next, ask yourself the following question:

What are the long term goals I have for my life?

List as many as you can think of.

Focus on goals that define the person you want to be and the things you wish to achieve.

Once you are done close your eyes and visualize yourself being that person, having accomplished those things.

How good do you feel?
I recently viewed the movie You Can Change Your Life. It followed the life of Louise Hay and her work, and I was deeply inspired by a woman who healed herself from cancer and then reached out to share her knowledge to help others. She had high expectations for herself, and followed her dreams. She shares her story speaking from a stage, a healthy and vibrant 85 years old.
It was my final sign from the universe that we truly do create our realities; it is not just a popular concept. If we can move to embody that highest vision of ourselves, that vision of all of our goals - or better - being reached, then we can move into a place of being ready to accept the energy of the new earth, and allow ourselves to feel the shift that has already taken place…
From a moonlit evening with starry skies above,

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Shifting into Who We Are

Shifting into Who We Are

As we move into the final stage of this eclipse cycle, the beginning of our transition into the next stage of our life, we prepare to reap the harvest of the seeds we have planted over the past several months. As we move into this time of transition and everything remains very much in the air, we can take solace in mother nature’s eternal promise of a new day ahead. With each new day comes the opportunity to make new decisions to align more and more fully with our highest selves…

We are also entering a time for slowing down and making decisions. Our future lies in our hands, as long as we are able to continue to follow our hearts in every decision that we make throughout our days, we will shift into who our souls are meant to be.

Remember, although there are definite energetic cycles that help to create our journey through life, we undoubtedly create the experience that surrounds us with our thoughts, words and actions.

By remembering to align our thoughts, words and actions with love we will always be moving into greater alignment with God, universal energy and the source of all that is in our lives….

With love,


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Change in the days to come….

The month of August this year vibrates at a number 1. This is a time of significant change in our lives. It is the beginning of a beginning that we have been waiting a long time for. It may not feel like the beginning right now because there are still fragments of the old reality hanging around. But do not fear, these spider webs of our past are slowly being brushed away, with our careful concentration, and we are emerging free of the constraints of our past soon.

As we move into the sun cycle of Virgo, family becomes very important to us. It is time to be patient and wait for the next part of our lives to take shape, this month is the first step in the formative next stage of our development physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Spending time with those we love most gives us the opportunity to nurture ourselves, and as we fill up with love, we raise the vibration of everyone around us.

August is also a month to take that chance and follow the guidance that comes from deep within your soul. Continue to be impeccable with your thoughts, actions and words, you truly are creating the world around you, believe it!

Perhaps most important to remember this month is to relax and realize there is not only one way to get there. The universe gives us an infinite number of ways to solve any problem. The creation of solutions in our lives comes from our belief and dedication to looking forward with optimistic eyes, trusting that the highest good will come to us in every situation.

As you move forward in your life throughout the next month, take some time to stop and look around you and congratulate yourself for how far you’ve come…’s been a long road, and you deserve to enjoy what you have created….take that time for yourself! Spend some time in nature with those you love, doing absolutely nothing, allow the wind, sea and the green grass to soothe your soul, the easiest way to navigate through the days ahead is with joy and gratitude and fulfillment!

My heart goes out you, in celebration of the beauty in our lives right now…….

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Embracing Transition

On the heels of the powerful energies from the new moon in Cancer and solar eclipse yesterday, we are poised to move forward like never before into the new roles that we have been waiting to embody. The astrological forces at work right now are so very powerful, they deserve to be honored as we move through this transition. Eclipses have long been known as signals of profound change to our ancestors. They used the time of both solar and lunar eclipses to mark important transitions and changes throughout the years. Usually, there are only two pairs of eclipse in a year’s time, this year, there are six pairs, an unmistakable signal that this year is one of tremendous change!

The moon transitioned into Cancer yesterday, at the time of the eclipse. This portends a time in which we are getting our homes, hearts and families and schedules ready for the changes that will come in our outside reality soon. Although you may not know exactly what lies ahead for you, you may feel yourself with uncontrollable urges to create structure, peace and balance at home. Embrace these urges and know that the universe is supporting you in the final leg of a transitional process that is readying you for the great external change that is on the horizon. When we have created a web of support at home to support us, anything is possible!
We are being guided right now to create order in every area of our lives. Diligence and discipline are necessary in order to create the healthy routines that are going to support the unfolding of our highest selves in the upcoming months. Know that the patterns that you put into place in the upcoming weeks will help to set an energetic pattern for the next 6-12 months, so use this time wisely now. Ask yourself, how do I want to be living? And then make the time to create that life around you to the best of your ability. Know that the universe supports you. Our ancestors knew the power of nature to lead them through the ebbs and flows of their life, we have disconnected from the natural energy of the forces around us, and we are being called now to reconnect. Mother Earth is calling out to us to tell us that we are not alone, we have a powerful understanding of the astrological forces at work for a reason; to direct our conscious minds to flow with the natural patterns that the universe creates in order to create the most abundance, ease and grace in our lives…

As we move through this powerful energetic portal into the next wave of our future, it is important for us to make every moment count. This is not the time to procrastinate and wait until another day to begin putting things in order, or start working on that project, or take that step in your relationship…..the time is NOW, seize the support and know that as you make the moves to continue to align with the highest vision you have for yourself, you continue to lay the stones ahead of you that create the path to everything you desire…..

Join us this week for some opportunities to make plans for the days ahead. My webinars begin again tomorrow evening with self healing practices for yourself and your relationships. We will walk through several strategies to bring balance and peace to the relationships in your life and end with a powerful channeled meditation.

As we ready for the days and months ahead, remember to take a moment and smell the roses on your journey, for it is truly this moment right now that we have been preparing for. In order to move into our future with grace we only need to find the beauty and perfection in the now – this appreciation of the present becomes the key to moving through the times ahead with ease, for no matter what life has in store for us, know that we already have everything we need to begin living in heaven on earth….

With gratitude and wide eyed optimism for the days ahead,

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Beginnings Are Here!

The past month has been a journey of inner transformation for many of us. Although our external realities have not yet taken shape, we are moving into greater alignment with our highest selves. We are slowly becoming who we are meant to be. This is the change we have been waiting for!! We now enter the most intense time of this transformation as we journey through the solar and lunar eclipses that are occurring over the upcoming weeks. The lunar eclipse and full moon that just passed gave our shadows an opportunity to reflect back to us the parts of ourselves that we no longer need in our new spaces. It can cause difficult times and feelings of struggle when your old fears and worries resurface, often stronger than ever before. However, we can trust that the universe is delivering us exactly what we need in order to move forward without the baggage that has weighed us down in the past. We are being given the strength with the waves of the upcoming eclipses (another full moon lunar eclipse on August 6th and a solar eclipse on July 22nd) to propel us forward and away from our fears into the arms of our future. I would like to share with you some insight I have received to help make the journey as smooth and full of grace as possible:

Release the illusion of challenges: In the past I have wrote about the challenges on the roads ahead of us. As we fully transition into our lighter energetic vibrations, we are able to see the illusion that challenges are. When we make the conscious choice to transition into our next level of reality, we move past the existence that recognizes life as full of challenges and struggle. From a higher vantage point we can see that the challenges are not challenges at all, simply opportunities to shape and define the life we are living. On a daily basis connect to that place inside of you that knows that the challenges you face are only illusions, the place that can touch the divine perfection and beauty inherent in your life. If you have a hard time finding that place, read on.

Focus on service: Remember that everything you do and every way that you do it is in service to humanity. As energetic beings we are fed the most when we are in loving service to ourselves and to others. As long as we remember that this is our purpose, to serve ourselves, to serve those we love and to serve those that God has sent to us. It is through this service that our true happiness and success in life will come. So put your entire focus on staying in this stream of giving and receiving, in all that you do.

Attention to thoughts, words and actions: During any time of great transition, our accountability and impeccability with our thoughts, words and actions is of the utmost importance. All of the current ‘challenges’ can be released when we can commit to continue moving forward and through our commitment to align our thoughts, words and actions with our highest selves, the very best that we can be. We are supported as we move forward with all of the great planetary shifts that are occurring right now.

Commitment: This year is all about commitment. The year of the Ox is a time of steadfast devotion and ahrd work to form a bond. Once we make the decision about what we really want in each area of our lives, we will be divinely guided to find solutions and grow from every ‘challenge’ that is set in our path.

As we move from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius we will continue to experience many of these growing pains; it is indeed part of the process. So a continual cleansing and detoxifying will be the most beneficial at this time. Seek out life-affirming ways to deal with stress, and to navigate through these times in your life. As you continue to release the worry, fear and concerns you will begin to feel the grace of your new existence, the grace that only inner transformation can bring.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Winds of Change: Four Practices for Inner Peace During These Changing Times

….and in the midst of the chaos, remember what peace there may be in silence….

As we move into our new roles on the earth, change does not seem to be slowing down as we round the corner to the Summer Solstice within the next few months. It seems as though for many of us we are facing hurdle after hurdle, whether it is in our external world or in our internal worlds, so many shifts are happening around us, our heads have been left spinning and ready to rest in a place of peace.

We are craving balance in our lives now like no other time in the past. We know now, we have glimpsed images of who we want to be, we have met, if only fleetingly our highest selves and can not turn back to the life we have held in the past. As we struggle to figure out how this life that we are now living will ever get to a place in which we are truly embracing what it is that we want in life…..we only need to remember four important truths…

1. We are building. Anyone who knows anything about building anything, knows that it can be a messy and time consuming process that ends up costing us a lot more than we planned. My mother is in the middle of remodeling her house; for anyone that has ever gone through the process of building or renovating a home, you know that the process requires complete surrender. The plans that are originally made always go astray and somehow an unexpected bump in the road comes up consistently throughout the project. Know that the process of building our lives is no different. Patience is key with ourselves as we learn to live aligned with our virtues and shape the new worlds we will be living in.

2. We are both the students and the teachers in our own journeys and this role takes power and complete surrender. Remember back to your days as a student. Often, there were ways in which you were being taught that you did not enjoy, you had to learn to surrender to the teacher and the class and just follow your role as a student. As we have moved through our lives we are still in the role of student, still needing to surrender completely to the lessons in life’s classroom. For they are not always presented in the manner that we would like them to. The power however, comes in the discovery that we are also the teachers. Therefore, the lessons that we are learning are lessons that we choose to teach ourselves. Once we are able to realize that every bump in the road is an opportunity that we have created for ourselves to grow and learn, we can then begin to recognize our role as our own greatest teacher.

3. Embracing the unknown is absolutely necessary at this time. As we step further and further into the unknown our discomfort can become unbearable. However, we have chosen to walk in this direction on a subconscious level, knowing that it will bring our soul into the greatest alignment with Source possible. However, it can be the very steps that bring us the greatest growth that are the hardest to bear. Reminding ourselves that we must walk towards the unknown in order to truly rise above all of the ties that have kept us bound in the past is the greatest truth to hold onto at this time. Tell yourself when you wake up in the morning, I don’t know what this day will bring, but I know that as long as I walk in my personal integrity and hold to the highest version of who I know I am, I know that I will be moving in a direction that will help propel me forward in the future to recieveing everything that need to be me in this lifetime!

4. Breathing is our key to releasing everything that we need to let go. I am taking child-birthing classes right now and we are taught right away that breath is one of the most powerful ways to move through pain in the body. When a woman can allow herself to breathe with the pain in her body, to let her breath wash over the pain, and to allow your breath and the pain to become one, a new state of being is arrived at, and the possibility of ecstatic birth is alive. This is founded in the knowledge that a woman’s body is perfect and when we become one with it, birth reaches a place of spiritual perfection that is an ecstatic experience for both the mother and child. Breathing is also a powerful way to release out emotions, allowing the emotions to wash over us, instead of tensing and holding the motion in our bodies is one of the most efficient ways to release emotionally charged situations from our lives. SO with the power to both transform pain and the fear that lies underneath all negative emotions, breathing deeply into your body and releasing that breath into the universe becomes a universal cure that costs no money, requires no tools and can be done anywhere in the world.

And at the end of the day, know that you are indeed moving forward, even if sometimes it feels like a snails pace. Take some time to focus on your accomplishments, on what you have gotten done, for it through our energetic focus in this area of our lives that growth will begin to bloom faster than we can ever imagine in. Take time each day to stop and ask yourself, what have I accomplished today? With this simple shift in focus we can begin to create a blueprint for our perspectives for the upcoming year. For this is the year of the ox, a time of persistence, hard work, and compassion. The sooner we align with these energies, the easier our transition will become, and the faster we will find our external realities becoming aligned with all of the transformation that has taken place on the inside…..

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Insights

Greetings Kindred Spirits!

What a year full of changes it has been for all of us. 2008 was a year of new beginnings for many, some were new beginnings we had been waiting for, other times we found ourselves caught off guard by the changes, and many are still in the middle of the changes that began in 2008. Just because our calendar year changes it does not always mean we truly begin anew in our lives. However, it is always a time for an internal shift, a time to shift our perspectives. And it is often with these internal shifts, that the external shifts that we are waiting for sprout. As we exit one year and move into the next, it is the perfect time to reconnect with our authentic selves and ask the question, “What were my areas of growth in the past year, and where do I feel that I need to concentrate on growing this year?” It is just as important to recognize where we have grown in the past as it is to focus on the future, for it is in the seeds of gratitude for the strength and perseverance that we have had (and this year has brought much of that for us) that the stronger more energetically aligned versions of ourselves are allowed to blossom in the new year.

Many of us have experienced many changes on the home front. We have yet to adjust to these changes yet, and may still be in the middle of adjusting, or finding our place of comfort and security amidst the haze of everything that has occurred in the past months. Fear not, for these changes have been divinely orchestrated and it will only take a shift in perspective to allow things to flow in the New Year. Look ahead to the opportunities that exist and banish worry from your mind this year. Focusing on the future and the good that lies in the situation right now are your greatest allies for change this year.

This will require more silent time. Our minds have been swirling with worries and concerns about what is to come for much of the latter half of 2008. Quieting our minds is ESSENTAIL right now for the new insights to be able to come through. Our inspiration and guidance is at our fingertips, but our minds are cloudy with thoughts….. Finding time to relax our minds, to get away from it all and just listen to the divine silence that is waiting to assist us is so important right now.

Light a candle and allow yourself to fall into the realization that everything is happening exactly as it should be! The questions that are still swirling around concerning home life, professional life and business and personal relationships will all resolve themselves in time. Now is the time to rest our faith in the greater power that we know to be there, it is time to release the worries that have plagued us. Release the stories running through our minds about what is wrong right now and embrace your inner power. This is the time like no other. It is one of the greatest times of awakening of our human spirit that we have seen in hundreds of years, and recognizing that things on the outside have to be this way right now will allow us to flow with more grace and ease into this internal awakening of power.

This is also the year of the Goddess. It is the year to surrender your male energies that led you through 2008, the energies of doing, going, thinking, planning, doing, going, thinking, planning….. We have laid much of the foundation for this year already. Simply paying more careful attention to what we have already done and quietly listening to the voice inside of us is the power that the Goddess brings. It is time for us to nurture ourselves, to take care of our spirits, to nurture our inner selves, for this is where our success will stem from, this is where our futures will be built upon, not upon the outside structures that we once relied upon.

Our current situation is requiring all of us to reach down deep within our hearts and souls and ask what is really important in our lives. What is it that I really want? Where do I really want to live? Who do I really want to be spending my time with? We DO have the ability, more so now than ever, to create the realities that we want to live in. Some of us are almost there, others feel more lost then ever, most of us are somewhere in between. It is our independence that will be the foundation for our success in the future. We no longer need to rely on the old power structures to hold us up, to provide us our paychecks, or put a roof over our heads. Instead, we are moving into a new future, a future in which we will take care of ourselves like no other time in the past. The new smaller communities are beginning to from, reach out to those people that resonate with you, for they may be your new family. These ‘new families’ will serve the same purpose as our old institutions did, they will provide us with a new sense of security, of peace and wellbeing.

Spend this time now reflecting on what it is that you truly want then. Take out that journal that has been left unused and create a vision for 2009 today! There is no time like the present to shape our futures! It is in defining your dreams and aspirations and then asking for spiritual guidance that these same dreams and visions will come into manifestation. Your powers are greater than you realize. We are all undergoing a realigning to spiritual energy this year; it only takes an opening to this possibility in order to truly bring this assistance into your life. Your spiritual guides, angels and universal god and goddess energy are here for you today! We all have the ability to access this spiritual power to improve our lives here, no matter where we are in our spiritual journey, no matter how often we connect to our spiritual center, we are all on a journey of deepening that connection this year.

It is quieting our minds that will bring us closer to this spiritual connection. It is through not only meditation, but regular periods of stillness, turn off the tv, drive without the radio on, spend a night in silence, create a regular night of writing, emptying out your mind, instead of our regular practice of filling it up. We need space between our thoughts to hear from our angels and from God, create that space and watch the magic pour into your life.

Most of all, take time to nurture yourself. Everything will still be waiting there for you when you get back. Create regular time within your days, weeks and months to take a time out and honor the delicate energetic being that you are. We have been going strong for 2008, the Goddess energy that surrounds us in 2009 is an energy that requires softening our approach towards life. It is an energy that requires us to open our hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities that exist for us that we do NOT have to work for. Beautiful synchronicities come into your life when you stop to take a deep breath. If you go on without allowing for that time, you also don’t allow for the magical moments to appear in your life.

Treat yourself with care, slow down, sit in stillness and observe the beautiful garden that you have planted and ALLOW it to blossom. Nurture this garden with delicate love and compassion, do not rush it, for our lives mimic nature, when we try to force things to grow, the only thing that emerges is frustration, when we wait with gratitude in our hearts, the flowering begins… And while you are at it, put some of that love and compassion on your neighbor’s gardens as well. We are all entering a time of great blossoming and growth, helping to fertilize and water the gardens of our neighbors will only enhance the soil that we have planted in as well.

Wishing each and every one of you a month full of surrender, grace and gratitude for what it is that you have in your life right now, for it is truly the time to count our blessings and thank our creator for bringing our souls such life changing experiences and lessons!

From the bottom of my heart,
