Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Embracing Transition

On the heels of the powerful energies from the new moon in Cancer and solar eclipse yesterday, we are poised to move forward like never before into the new roles that we have been waiting to embody. The astrological forces at work right now are so very powerful, they deserve to be honored as we move through this transition. Eclipses have long been known as signals of profound change to our ancestors. They used the time of both solar and lunar eclipses to mark important transitions and changes throughout the years. Usually, there are only two pairs of eclipse in a year’s time, this year, there are six pairs, an unmistakable signal that this year is one of tremendous change!

The moon transitioned into Cancer yesterday, at the time of the eclipse. This portends a time in which we are getting our homes, hearts and families and schedules ready for the changes that will come in our outside reality soon. Although you may not know exactly what lies ahead for you, you may feel yourself with uncontrollable urges to create structure, peace and balance at home. Embrace these urges and know that the universe is supporting you in the final leg of a transitional process that is readying you for the great external change that is on the horizon. When we have created a web of support at home to support us, anything is possible!
We are being guided right now to create order in every area of our lives. Diligence and discipline are necessary in order to create the healthy routines that are going to support the unfolding of our highest selves in the upcoming months. Know that the patterns that you put into place in the upcoming weeks will help to set an energetic pattern for the next 6-12 months, so use this time wisely now. Ask yourself, how do I want to be living? And then make the time to create that life around you to the best of your ability. Know that the universe supports you. Our ancestors knew the power of nature to lead them through the ebbs and flows of their life, we have disconnected from the natural energy of the forces around us, and we are being called now to reconnect. Mother Earth is calling out to us to tell us that we are not alone, we have a powerful understanding of the astrological forces at work for a reason; to direct our conscious minds to flow with the natural patterns that the universe creates in order to create the most abundance, ease and grace in our lives…

As we move through this powerful energetic portal into the next wave of our future, it is important for us to make every moment count. This is not the time to procrastinate and wait until another day to begin putting things in order, or start working on that project, or take that step in your relationship…..the time is NOW, seize the support and know that as you make the moves to continue to align with the highest vision you have for yourself, you continue to lay the stones ahead of you that create the path to everything you desire…..

Join us this week for some opportunities to make plans for the days ahead. My webinars begin again tomorrow evening with self healing practices for yourself and your relationships. We will walk through several strategies to bring balance and peace to the relationships in your life and end with a powerful channeled meditation.

As we ready for the days and months ahead, remember to take a moment and smell the roses on your journey, for it is truly this moment right now that we have been preparing for. In order to move into our future with grace we only need to find the beauty and perfection in the now – this appreciation of the present becomes the key to moving through the times ahead with ease, for no matter what life has in store for us, know that we already have everything we need to begin living in heaven on earth….

With gratitude and wide eyed optimism for the days ahead,

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