Many of us are feeling these shifts right now, things have changed, even if only in a perceptual way, these perceptual shifts lead to the deeper shifts that are beginning around us. As more and more of us find our soul’s purpose, we can allow ourselves to fall deep into the void of time and space to find our way back home.
For those of you who have been ‘back home’, you know the place I am describing. Home is total connection with universal source energy or God. When your relationship with the world around you creates enough of a shift, this connection becomes more possible. Pray for these moments of total oneness with the totality of the energy that exists, for these are great gifts in our human lives, and are introducing us to a whole new way of living.
As you continue to create a sacred space around you, know that it is through finding great peace and balance in your individual life that you will gain greater access to living in the next dimension. The next dimension does not refer to a period of time in the future. You have the power to shift into a new dimension of life on earth through a few simple practices.
Follow your Inner Child
We are one with universal source energy before we are conceived. Therefore, during childhood we are the most connected to the pure natural energy we were born with. What is it that excites your inner child? Do you enjoy playing games, reading books, working with crystals, planting or painting? Make time in your life to follow these deep energetic pathways, find a way of living your life that helps you to connect to that feeling. These are the places that can bring great joy to your life. You can enter into a state of timeless bliss if you can allow yourself to let go and embrace that little girl or boy inside.
Begin Now
Shifting into a new dimension can happen at 1 pm on a Tuesday afternoon, or 4 am on Sunday – this experience is one that you cannot try to control or force. What we can do is strive to look very closely at ourselves and find all opportunities to understand ourselves on a deeper level and to love ourselves. As we begin to change things in our life now, the energetic space around us begins to shift. We are entering a time of rapid manifestation, it is what many people have already been preparing for; hence the mass onslaught of media coverage of this topic. We can create faster than our minds can conceive right now. The clearer our minds are, the clearer channels we are to attract into our lives what we need and want. When we begin now, exactly where we are, we take one step closer to where we know our bliss is.
Release & Cultivate Peace
It is important to honor the presence of our past as valuable teachers. It is also wise to understand that at times we hold onto the energy from past encounters and events in our lives and allow them to impact our current state of mind. Regular cleansing of the past clears your mind from unnecessary clutter. You only need to release what is no longer serving you, release any negativity from your past, the lessons and love can stay. Energetic cleansing of the past has many forms; you can clear away the worries of the day and clear away the pain of a past relationship. Hypnosis and energy healing are two powerful practices to begin to release and shift into the future. Practicing a simple energy healing practice before bed in the evening is a simple yet effective way to cleanse anything unnecessary that you have picked up over the course of the day. Try a chakra clearing meditation or other energy healing practice. Regular cleansing will allow your energy field to stay fresh and clear.
One of the biggest thought forms to release is worry. However, regular energy healing practices can allow you to be free of worry. As you regularly move and cleanse energy from the field that surrounds your body - all thought forms, emotions and physical energy is moved. Therefore, strong emotions get cleared out. Emotions act like adhesive in your energy field, the stronger an emotion is in any area of your body, the more energy moves towards that area. When there is emotion stuck in one area for a long period of time it can create energetic blockages. The more often you clear, the less the worry has to stick to when it tries to come back in.
Cultivating peace is part of each of our mission’s here on earth. Join together with others to stand up and speak what you believe with an open heart and kind tongue. The Earth is changing, we are at the precipice of a very new time, there is great divide between the old world and new world at this time. The only way to still interact with those still in the old world is with a deep regard for peace in your heart. Know that we all share the mission of cultivating peace, speaking with love and living our lives from our hearts.
The Harvest
As we continue to practice these new ways of being, the single most powerful practice we can hold is that of gratitude. Join me to challenge yourself to express gratitude every day in every way for the next 44 days. Remember, as you shift your vibration up and out you open yourself to more opportunities coming to you. Everything is energy. Remind yourself of how the harvest you reap is in direct energetic harmony with the energy that you embody. This means you can work hard, but be closing yourself off energetically to abundance in your life. Opening energetically means getting to know yourself and extending your love, compassion and generosity out in as many ways as possible.
Mind your thoughts and challenge yourself to align all thoughts, words and actions with love, compassion and generosity. This is what the world needs right now, as as we continue to give to others, so will then be given to us. Make a decision to search for ways to feel good in any situation that life brings, and only good will come to you in the future. Take stock of what you have now and plan for a year of generosity, love and compassion in order to enjoy the plentiful harvest to come next fall.
However we get there, we are all in for quite a bit more settling down into place. The biggest shifts have come for know, so we can take comfort in the respite that lie ahead. Take the next three months to assess where you are, where you want to be, and the steps to take in 2010 to get there. I join you in spirit on this journey of redefining and moving together into the next dimension.
with starry eyes and a moonlit soul,
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