You can determine if you are shifting with these planetary waves by the way you feel. Your emotions are your signposts. Think about the various activities that fill your day, What make you feel joyous? What makes your heart sing? These activities are energetically aligned with your soul. When your soul is in complete alignment, EVERYTHING FEELS GOOD!! Aligning with what makes us feel good will only lead to more of the same.
If and when you encounter those activities, situations, places or people that do not make you feel good, ask yourself; How can I do something differently so that this activity brings me joy? If you cannot find a way, try releasing this activity from your life. If you cannot release it from your life, try sitting with it, just observing what about the situation does not feel good. It is out of our deepest struggles and challenges that inspiration, ingenuity; perseverance and ultimately joy are born. Trust this process; it is the natural flow of the universe. All energy, all living things go through a natural life cycle, we all ebb and flow with the universal currents that surround us.
As all of this shifting takes place, there are inevitably pieces of ourselves that we need to clean up. Energetic shifting can be a messy process! Therefore, it is essential that we continuously clean and clear ourselves from the inside out, for with the harvest also comes cleaning everything away so there is room for abundance to flow into your life.
This philosophy is at the center of abundant living. When you have thoughts, emotions and things surrounding you that you need to let go of, your energy field can become cluttered, weighed down, and there is no room for ANYTING to flow in. As we practice dealing with and clearing out all of our stuff systematically we clear the way for the harvest to grow.
I leave you with a story of abundant living:
When I was a child, my grandparents had a large garden and raised chickens and turkeys. They did not have a farm with acres, they lived in a modest home with a large yard that they transformed into a garden. The yard was always impeccable. Someone was always outside sweeping, weeding, or tending to the garden. Every square inch of the garden was full. There were strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, squash, corn, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, and lettuce. The yard was always kept neat and was lined with beautiful flowers. Their cellar was a masterpiece. They carefully canned, froze and stored much of the harvest from the garden for winter months. There house was more of the same, everything was taken care of with extreme care, everything had a place they still joke about having the same water pitcher that they had when my mother was a child. My grandparents were 1st generation Americans, they worked hard, took care of everything that came to them, and lived ABUNDANTLY. There was always fresh food on the table and every need that I ever had was met. Through keeping what they did have simple, clean and clear, they were able to bring tremendous abundance into their lives. They were both able to travel to the home countries of their families several times, and vacationed often as I grew older.
Their lives have forever left me with an ideal to strive for; They showed me how to live abundantly with what they had. As many of us strive to bring more abundance into our lives, my grandparents serve as a beautiful reminder that we are already living abundantly. We live in some of the most affluent countries in the world. We are blessed just by being born into lives with so much freedom and opportunity in our lives.
So, take some time over the upcoming months to clean up and clear out everything in your life, once you clear away everything that is no longer serving you physically, mentally and emotionally, you will find that there is much more space for abundance to flow into your life.
With love,
** Energy healing can be a powerful way to shift these mental, emotional and physical things in our lives that are causing clutter in our energy field. With continued practice and sessions I am lighter and clearer than ever before in my life. I encourage each of you, to begin some energetic healing practices in your own life to begin this shift to embracing your abundance!
Indigo Rising has been holding an energy healing clinic by donation only once a month. We have several of our practitioners (including myself) offering sessions by donation only. This is an excellent opportunity to experience a private healing session by one of our highly qualified practitioners.
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