Sunday, January 3, 2010

Insights for the Year Ahead: Ancient guidance on embarking on your journey into the New Earth……

As we move into 2010 a very new wave of energy is upon us. We have officially began our transition into the New Earth, and 2010 will be a year of finding our place in this very new world. There are many factors at play in the development of our New Earth. Nostradamus and the ancient Mayan Scholars have predicted a great energetic shift in the coming years leading up to 2012. Many have envisioned this shift as having catastrophic effects on our physical earth, and indeed we will be experiencing the falling down of many of our previous structures, systems and ways of thinking, as the next dimension will no longer energetically support the old ways. For those of us who have already begun our own inner transformations, we can feel the shifts within ourselves and these are being shaped by the energetic shifts happening on a global scale.

In order to move into complete harmony in this new earth, we must first honor the wisdom of our ancestors that have come before us. As many of you may know, my life began in New England, a place with roots deep within the earth, and I taught history to middle and high school for ten years. I have always held a connection to my past deeply within my bones. It is now that I am being called to bring these two aspects of myself together as we enter into a time like no other, I know that the wisdom of the past will be necessary to guide us into the future. I share with you the first in a series of writings combining the ancient wisdom of our ancestors with intuitive guidance concerning the energetic patterns of the earth.…..

Divine Communication

We all have the capacity within us to communicate with, accept and embody this divine energy. It will be the journey into the New Earth for each of us to realize this true journey that we are on. Not a journey of earthly gain, but one of divine connection.

The question becomes; how, when we were raised in a world that did not teach us of our ability to communicate and embody this divine energy, can we transition into a place in our lives in which we can live and believe this? The answer lies in the energy of the holy trinity.

The concept of the holy trinity is one that has shaped the Christian world. In this Christine doctrine, although God is one, he is also embodied in the holy trinity which includes God as the all knowing creator, Jesus Christ as the human embodiment of God and the Holy Spirit as the divine energy that communicates God’s love to the world. I ask you to release any past understandings of the holy trinity while you read on, and open yourself up to a redefinition of this powerful spiritual presence in our lives.

Begin by thinking of the holy spirit as an energy. Just as God is the all knowing universal creative energy that is at the height of our experience with the divine, the holy spirit is also an energy that lies between us and God. Within the web of energy that is the holy spirit are all of our spiritual guides; angels, ascended masters, spiritual guides, souls of our deceased ancestors and loved ones as well as earth spirits that guide and protect us on our earthly journey. This web of holy spiritual energy is accessible to all of us, and accessing and listening to it is the key to moving into the New Earth and living from a deeper place, a place more connected to God and the universal energy of love from which we all emanated. Jesus was able to move mountains because of his connection to and communication with the holy spirit; it was this connection that allowed him to hear and communicate God’s message to the world. However, the story of Jesus is one that was meant to be a lesson to every man, not of one man with special powers. We can learn a great deal about communication with God and the holy spiritual energy that connects us with this divine energy of love through paying careful attention to Jesus and other ascended spiritual masters that have passed before us.

If you can then envision a web of energy that surrounds us all and connects us to this universal divine loving creator, imagine what it would take to touch that web, to listen to that web, to feel that web. This is what happens in divine communication. We must first develop a sensitivity to these subtle energy fields, this is best done through energy healing practices and intuitive development. Once we begin tuning in, the messages that can come from the holy spirit are infinite. All the answers to everything we ever wanted to know and questions we could not imagine even asking are contained in this energy field, once we begin interacting with it, our world’s will begin to take a miraculous shape, one beyond our wildest expectations…
Harmony, Beauty & Pleasures and Suffering

The Lotus Sutra is revered by Buddhists as containing the core of Buddha’s teachings. This sutra teaches us how to create harmony in our inner and outer lives.

The Lotus Sutra begins with the teaching of one heart. We all breath the same air, drink the same water, and suffer from the same ailments. We have been given the gift of suffering, for when we suffer it tells us that something is wrong. It is in diving into the roots of the suffering that true freedom can be found. Through opening our hearts to understand our own suffering and the suffering of others we are given the vehicle to transcend and move through the suffering into the energy of the New Earth.

Harmony, beauty and pleasures are at the opposite energetic spectrum of suffering. It can sometimes be illusive to capture harmony, beauty and pleasure in our lives because we were all born of an age that stressed the pains of the struggle. When we can begin to look deeply into our own suffering it can become a powerful tool for transformation.

Suffering is an energy of the old world. Our ancestors believe that hard work and suffering were a necessary part of human existence. As we move into the New Earth, we are being called upon to teach a new truth to our children. Suffering is simply a signpost for change in our lives. The sooner that we can address the suffering and develop creative ways to move past it, the sooner we will truly begin to embrace harmony, beauty and the deep pleasure that the earthly plane can bring.
In the Lotus Sutra we are presented with a portrait of an integrated world; one that acknowledges the reality of the suffering of the earthy plane, but lives on earth with a daily acknowledgement and attention to the divine. As we bring the divine into our lives daily, we can begin to bolster our interaction with the suffering of the world with the presence of harmony, beauty and a deep pleasure for living life.

Increasing Sensitivity & Emotions

As we transition into an age of increasing sensitivity to the earth and all of her inhabitants, we find an increasing sensitivity arising within our own bodies and psyches. The earth has been and is being shaped by the divine universal energy that surrounds us all. This means that divine energy not only exists in the ethers, but also in the ground underneath our feet. As we move into an age where more and more beings are being born with an increasing sensitivity to the earth, we are all attuning with greater and greater frequency to the cosmic energy of mother earth. As crystal beds are being discovered all over the world, we are learning more and more about the powerful spiritual energy that is held within the core of the planet we call home. This increasing sensitivity will serve us in the days ahead, as we learn to tune into these currents that are running through the land that we live on and the energy that brings life to our bodies. As we tune in more and more to these energetic currents, we will be shown the way to move into the new earth.

Our greatest tool and obstacle to this divine creation is our emotions. This year has the potential to be a year of deep emotional healing for many. Without understanding and healing, our emotions have the potential to overwhelm us and to stop us cold in our quest for connection with the divine.

Emotions cannot reside in our bodies forever. Their ability to stay is increased with our attention. If we are thinking about and focused on any one emotion, this energy will then increase in both our bodies and minds. In the case of positive emotions such as love, joy, courage and peace, our job is to think about and meditate on the essence of these emotions as every opportunity arises to do so. If we do not feed the negative emotions of sadness, anger, fear or disgust with our thoughts, they will dissolve on their own. Therefore, it is through changing the way we think about things we can learn to bring more positive emotions into our lives and begin to release the emotions of sadness, anger, fear or disgust. Our thoughts are in great part a result of the culture and family in which we were raised. Negative emotions can only be totally transmuted through dissolution of the ego, for it is the ego that feeds the mind with the thoughts that capture the negative emotions. Therefore, until the ego is completely dissolved, the negative energies will continue to move through us. It is our job to recognize these emotions as gifts, pots of gold on the pathway to enlightenment, for through truly understanding and transmuting our darkness, we will be born to that pathway of eternal light.

Transformation through Manifestation

Manifestation has been a popular concept of late, and trivialized in many ways through it’s explosion into popular culture and vernacular. However, the principles of manifestation have been embedded in the knowledge of alchemical transformation since penned by the Egyptian sage Hermes. According to these texts manifestation is seen as the attainment of the pearl of great price. A practical representation of this pearl is the seed of divine presence in our hearts, minds and souls. It is through the attainment of this pearl that lead can be transformed into gold.
The process begins with purification of one’s soul. Our souls can reach purification through meditation on and embodiment of Shringhara, the divine energy of love. The next step is the ability to allow the purification of old energies; to accept and forgive our guilts, resentments and negative judgments of ourselves and others. We have to be able to fully experience our darkness in order to access the totality of our divine essence. The third stage is the patience to allow the transmutation of the self – this is an automatic process that occurs when the purification has run it’s course. Once all darkness has been consciously brought to light manifestation is born.

The final stage of manifestation is in receiving and accepting the abundance that is our birthright. There are seven sacred steps to receiving:

1. Reward yourself every day that you give to others. This may be in a small way, this energetically opens your pathways to receiving. When you deprive or exhaust yourself, you are no longer able to receive the life-force energy that flows through all things and is the source of all abundance. Through balancing your giving with receiving you are shifting your energetic pathways and strengthening the portal that will open you to unlimited abundance. Your ability to receive is as great as your ability to give; infinite when done from a place of love and respect for yourself and all others

2. Take time daily to release your worries. Worries are born of fear of the unknown. When you feel worry seeping in, challenge yourself to change your thoughts to visioning your future of abundance, close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded with everything you desire in your life. Take several deep breaths in and let this feeling seep into the cells in your body, as you continue this practice worries and anxiety will slowly disappear.

3. Follow your heart in your life’s work. When work is done out of guilt, obligation, or resentment, it can never lead us on the path of attaining abundance. Leave any situation in which your heart is not invested, for your heart will never lead you down the wrong path.

4. Visioning your desires: Once you have decided on what it is you want and are opening to receive, practice being in the space of that which you already have through visualization. Continuing to vision your future as you desire it and feel yourself immersed in the imagery of it. As these things become real on the mental and spiritual plane, you will open yourself to receiving them on the physical plane.

5. Obstacles are simply ways of challenging the old to create the new. Without challenges in life, evolution would not be possible. Through embracing challenges as they appear in our lives, we can learn to transmute the energy of the obstacle from a barrier into a catapult, an opportunity to rise to the challenge and envision a creative solution. Often challenges arise that are unplanned, these are by far the greatest opportunities for opening to receive the abundant divine assistance that surrounds and flows through us all, once you can open to receive this assistance, your dreams are on their way to becoming a reality.

6. Practice believing in yourself, recognize all self-defeating thoughts and release them. As you learn to believe deeply in yourself you also open to the power of a deep trust in the universe; one cannot exist in totality without the other. As this belief in all that you do strengthens, it becomes much easier to open to receiving all that we desire.

7. Recognize that even with diligence and the best intentions, we all at times fall victim to the unconscious drives that run deeply within us. Recognize every disappointment, accident, or fearful response as a signpost for change. Continue to ask yourself, what do I want in this situation and follow your heart to take the necessary steps for change….

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Entering the Darkness....Shaping the New Earth

As our journey has officially begun into our new world, we begin the first of many periods of reflection. As nature cycles it allows us the necessary time out to go within, to journey to the inner depths of our souls. It only takes a moment to disconnect from the outer world spinning around us to tune into the quiet of our mind. During the darker days of winter, we are gifted with a few more of these quiet moments. It is in this darkness, in this valuable season of introspection and gratitude, that our greatest gifts can come, if we only allow them.

The gifts of introspection come when we can allow ourselves to touch our deepest desires and/or our greatest fears. Often it can be a challenge to identify what our deepest desires are; our minds run rampant with the desires of others and the expectations of the world around us. It can be equally challenging to touch our deepest fears, as we often unconsciously protect ourselves from touching the deeply painful wounds of our past and fears for the present and future. However challenging, touching these deep parts of ourselves can allow us to come into a greater place of wholeness, and to evolve into a more open and loving community of earth dwellers.

There are some practical pieces of advice that that have been practiced since the beginning of time. I share these with you today, my gift to you, as you journey into the darkness, I hope these practices can bring to light exactly what you need right now, for it is through the clarity brought on through gratitude, love and an optimistic outlook that our gifts are illuminated and our spirits can truly shine!

Practice Gratitude
Begin with a practice of appreciating what you already have in your life. It is the time of year to take stock of what you have in your life, clear out what you no longer need, and appreciate everything around you. We are infinitely supplied for, and our lives are already blessed beyond measure, no matter the seeming appearances. When we can connect to the blessings, we can start to shift our perspective to align with the New Earth. We are entering a time of limitless gratitude, a glorious time in our lives, when shifts in perspective will open up doors to new realities we never knew existed.

Believe in Yourself
You were given everything that you needed by God and the universal energies that created you to be infinitely successful in this lifetime. Every seeming obstacle is an opportunity to strengthen your spirit and develop your connection with the infinite source of supply that is the true source of our security. When your belief in yourself wavers, take a moment, close your eyes, and connect to the knowing that you are one with the universe that created you. Pray for strength to enter your life if you are weak, pray for insight if your mind is cloudy.

Open to Contradictions
As soon as you touch deep within yourself, you will discover that for everything you are there is another person who holds an opposite belief or attitude. This is the polar nature of our universe; every form of energy exists in relation to it’s opposing force. This means that in the moment you discover a truth, you must acknowledge it’s opposing viewpoint in order to fully grasp the total spectrum of your truth.
Following this pattern, as soon as you decide that you are opening to the strength of your spirit, you will also open to uncovering all the weaknesses of your character. Being open to contradictions means that when you open to one force of nature, you also open to it’s opposite energy. It is in these opposites that we can learn great lessons about ourselves. Learn to hold the opposing viewpoint of the other with peace and acceptance, even if it is in stark contrast to your own beliefs. It is in this holding of opposites that we can begin to transform our own rigidity and that of the world around us. Innovation is born out of walking the middle ground with comfort and ease.

Believe in All Others
Jesus Christ is a figure that we are surrounded with this time of year. Jesus was a human being who held a deep love and reverence for all other human beings, even those who chose to harm him. The book based on his teachings, the bible, teaches us to love our enemies, treat others as we would like to be treated and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We must first learn how to love the enemies within ourselves and learn to treat ourselves with love and respect. As we learn this, we can simultaneously practice with others. The transition that we are moving through into the Age of Aquarius is ushering us into a new way of living with one another. The waves of change have already begun, and we are directly responsible for the rate at which the planet will shift.
We must challenge ourselves to honor each other from a place of deep compassion and reverence. Allow the spirit of Jesus to inspire all of your communication. He challenges us to forgive our enemies. Anger and other defilements of the mind cloud our judgment and communication with others. When one’s mind is clear, it can align with the highest form of communication with ease at all times. Believe in your ability to hold a clear mind and speak with kind and compassionate speech and believe in the ability of your friends and family to do the same.
As we begin to transform the way that we communicate and support one another, the planet will begin to shift in tremendous waves, waves that will catapult us into very new, very happy places of being.

Stay Optimistic and Persevere
The issues that you work on for a lifetime are your greatest gifts, they are your greatest opportunities for joy and transformation. As you begin to view each obstacle that presents itself as an opportunity to improve and change your life for the better; your experiences will begin to shift.

Keep your spirit high through connecting to high frequency vibrations at every chance you get. Music is an excellent way to shift your vibration. Find the music that makes you feel good right now and play it loud – let your whole body feel it. As your body shifts into good-feelings your experience will begin to reflect this.

Trust in the simplicity and absolute nature of the law of attraction. What you think about, you bring into your experience in some form. Keep your thoughts focused on the positive aspects of all situations and the good in all people and you will begin to see your world shift.

It is the simple spiritual principles that we need align with when we are uncertain or unaware of what to do next. Challenge yourself to live with gratitude, find compassion and love for yourself and look for the best in all others. Focus on feeling good, and as you shift into this new vibration, your world will begin to shift, until slowly but surely, we will all be inhabiting this New Earth. The change starts within, so join me as we begin to transform our inner worlds to align with the qualities that we want to see in the world around us.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Creating Our New Space

With all of the shifting energies that have just occurred in the past several months, many of us are restructuring, reorganizing and continuing to take stock of what is really important in our lives. If we allow ourselves to let go of what we thought yesterday, we will be able to move deep into the power of the present moment – the place where the New Earth is being created. This is the place that we have all been waiting for.

Many of us are feeling these shifts right now, things have changed, even if only in a perceptual way, these perceptual shifts lead to the deeper shifts that are beginning around us. As more and more of us find our soul’s purpose, we can allow ourselves to fall deep into the void of time and space to find our way back home.
For those of you who have been ‘back home’, you know the place I am describing. Home is total connection with universal source energy or God. When your relationship with the world around you creates enough of a shift, this connection becomes more possible. Pray for these moments of total oneness with the totality of the energy that exists, for these are great gifts in our human lives, and are introducing us to a whole new way of living.
As you continue to create a sacred space around you, know that it is through finding great peace and balance in your individual life that you will gain greater access to living in the next dimension. The next dimension does not refer to a period of time in the future. You have the power to shift into a new dimension of life on earth through a few simple practices.

Follow your Inner Child
We are one with universal source energy before we are conceived. Therefore, during childhood we are the most connected to the pure natural energy we were born with. What is it that excites your inner child? Do you enjoy playing games, reading books, working with crystals, planting or painting? Make time in your life to follow these deep energetic pathways, find a way of living your life that helps you to connect to that feeling. These are the places that can bring great joy to your life. You can enter into a state of timeless bliss if you can allow yourself to let go and embrace that little girl or boy inside.

Begin Now
Shifting into a new dimension can happen at 1 pm on a Tuesday afternoon, or 4 am on Sunday – this experience is one that you cannot try to control or force. What we can do is strive to look very closely at ourselves and find all opportunities to understand ourselves on a deeper level and to love ourselves. As we begin to change things in our life now, the energetic space around us begins to shift. We are entering a time of rapid manifestation, it is what many people have already been preparing for; hence the mass onslaught of media coverage of this topic. We can create faster than our minds can conceive right now. The clearer our minds are, the clearer channels we are to attract into our lives what we need and want. When we begin now, exactly where we are, we take one step closer to where we know our bliss is.

Release & Cultivate Peace
It is important to honor the presence of our past as valuable teachers. It is also wise to understand that at times we hold onto the energy from past encounters and events in our lives and allow them to impact our current state of mind. Regular cleansing of the past clears your mind from unnecessary clutter. You only need to release what is no longer serving you, release any negativity from your past, the lessons and love can stay. Energetic cleansing of the past has many forms; you can clear away the worries of the day and clear away the pain of a past relationship. Hypnosis and energy healing are two powerful practices to begin to release and shift into the future. Practicing a simple energy healing practice before bed in the evening is a simple yet effective way to cleanse anything unnecessary that you have picked up over the course of the day. Try a chakra clearing meditation or other energy healing practice. Regular cleansing will allow your energy field to stay fresh and clear.

One of the biggest thought forms to release is worry. However, regular energy healing practices can allow you to be free of worry. As you regularly move and cleanse energy from the field that surrounds your body - all thought forms, emotions and physical energy is moved. Therefore, strong emotions get cleared out. Emotions act like adhesive in your energy field, the stronger an emotion is in any area of your body, the more energy moves towards that area. When there is emotion stuck in one area for a long period of time it can create energetic blockages. The more often you clear, the less the worry has to stick to when it tries to come back in.
Cultivating peace is part of each of our mission’s here on earth. Join together with others to stand up and speak what you believe with an open heart and kind tongue. The Earth is changing, we are at the precipice of a very new time, there is great divide between the old world and new world at this time. The only way to still interact with those still in the old world is with a deep regard for peace in your heart. Know that we all share the mission of cultivating peace, speaking with love and living our lives from our hearts.

The Harvest

As we continue to practice these new ways of being, the single most powerful practice we can hold is that of gratitude. Join me to challenge yourself to express gratitude every day in every way for the next 44 days. Remember, as you shift your vibration up and out you open yourself to more opportunities coming to you. Everything is energy. Remind yourself of how the harvest you reap is in direct energetic harmony with the energy that you embody. This means you can work hard, but be closing yourself off energetically to abundance in your life. Opening energetically means getting to know yourself and extending your love, compassion and generosity out in as many ways as possible.
Mind your thoughts and challenge yourself to align all thoughts, words and actions with love, compassion and generosity. This is what the world needs right now, as as we continue to give to others, so will then be given to us. Make a decision to search for ways to feel good in any situation that life brings, and only good will come to you in the future. Take stock of what you have now and plan for a year of generosity, love and compassion in order to enjoy the plentiful harvest to come next fall.

However we get there, we are all in for quite a bit more settling down into place. The biggest shifts have come for know, so we can take comfort in the respite that lie ahead. Take the next three months to assess where you are, where you want to be, and the steps to take in 2010 to get there. I join you in spirit on this journey of redefining and moving together into the next dimension.

with starry eyes and a moonlit soul,


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Abundant Living: Clean and Clear As We Come into Being

As many of us have been settling into our next phase of being, the present has come with a sense of groundlessness, a sense of not knowing while still needing to be clear about the here and now. Know that you are not alone; energetically right now the planet is going through tremendous energetic shifts. When the earth shifts into a new astrological age over the next several hundred years these energetic shifts will become more and more commonplace. We are entering into a time of great uncertainty, but also of great potential. As human beings we can choose to ride with the waves of energy shifting around us or against them.

You can determine if you are shifting with these planetary waves by the way you feel. Your emotions are your signposts. Think about the various activities that fill your day, What make you feel joyous? What makes your heart sing? These activities are energetically aligned with your soul. When your soul is in complete alignment, EVERYTHING FEELS GOOD!! Aligning with what makes us feel good will only lead to more of the same.

If and when you encounter those activities, situations, places or people that do not make you feel good, ask yourself; How can I do something differently so that this activity brings me joy? If you cannot find a way, try releasing this activity from your life. If you cannot release it from your life, try sitting with it, just observing what about the situation does not feel good. It is out of our deepest struggles and challenges that inspiration, ingenuity; perseverance and ultimately joy are born. Trust this process; it is the natural flow of the universe. All energy, all living things go through a natural life cycle, we all ebb and flow with the universal currents that surround us.

As all of this shifting takes place, there are inevitably pieces of ourselves that we need to clean up. Energetic shifting can be a messy process! Therefore, it is essential that we continuously clean and clear ourselves from the inside out, for with the harvest also comes cleaning everything away so there is room for abundance to flow into your life.

This philosophy is at the center of abundant living. When you have thoughts, emotions and things surrounding you that you need to let go of, your energy field can become cluttered, weighed down, and there is no room for ANYTING to flow in. As we practice dealing with and clearing out all of our stuff systematically we clear the way for the harvest to grow.

I leave you with a story of abundant living:
When I was a child, my grandparents had a large garden and raised chickens and turkeys. They did not have a farm with acres, they lived in a modest home with a large yard that they transformed into a garden. The yard was always impeccable. Someone was always outside sweeping, weeding, or tending to the garden. Every square inch of the garden was full. There were strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, squash, corn, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, and lettuce. The yard was always kept neat and was lined with beautiful flowers. Their cellar was a masterpiece. They carefully canned, froze and stored much of the harvest from the garden for winter months. There house was more of the same, everything was taken care of with extreme care, everything had a place they still joke about having the same water pitcher that they had when my mother was a child. My grandparents were 1st generation Americans, they worked hard, took care of everything that came to them, and lived ABUNDANTLY. There was always fresh food on the table and every need that I ever had was met. Through keeping what they did have simple, clean and clear, they were able to bring tremendous abundance into their lives. They were both able to travel to the home countries of their families several times, and vacationed often as I grew older.

Their lives have forever left me with an ideal to strive for; They showed me how to live abundantly with what they had. As many of us strive to bring more abundance into our lives, my grandparents serve as a beautiful reminder that we are already living abundantly. We live in some of the most affluent countries in the world. We are blessed just by being born into lives with so much freedom and opportunity in our lives.

So, take some time over the upcoming months to clean up and clear out everything in your life, once you clear away everything that is no longer serving you physically, mentally and emotionally, you will find that there is much more space for abundance to flow into your life.

With love,

** Energy healing can be a powerful way to shift these mental, emotional and physical things in our lives that are causing clutter in our energy field. With continued practice and sessions I am lighter and clearer than ever before in my life. I encourage each of you, to begin some energetic healing practices in your own life to begin this shift to embracing your abundance!

Indigo Rising has been holding an energy healing clinic by donation only once a month. We have several of our practitioners (including myself) offering sessions by donation only. This is an excellent opportunity to experience a private healing session by one of our highly qualified practitioners.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Shfting through portals, connecting to inner beauty, preparing for the future.....

As we pass the 1010 energy portal we enter into a week with the power of deep transformation. On dates aligned with sacred geometric energies; especially when dates with high energetic vibration come in rapid succession; 9/9/09, 10/10, 11/11, and 12/12, we experience the rapid manifestation of our desires. This is because energetically right now our earth around us is vibrating at a high energetic frequency. Harvest time is a time of year to tend to the harvest that we have been collecting. We must spend time in communion with our harvest in order to keep ourselves in alignment. As we spend time over the next week soaking up the power of the Sun and Moon in Libra, find time to tend to your own harvest. Go through the piles that have accumulated over the past months, find the beauty in all that you have, for it is in the appreciation of the gifts of the present that we prepare a fertile ground for the growth ahead!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Learning to Embrace What Is.....

As transition remains the only constant in our lives of late, there are many opportunities for growth that come up when things are constantly in flux. It is in hte midst of uncertainty that the grace of our souls can rise. Right now, it is important to follow your heart down the path you are being pulled. As we enter into a full moon in Aries this weekend, there is no time like the present to get the little things done that are going to put you in a place to begin to welcome more happiness, peace and prosperity into your life. As you clear out the clutter in your life, in the nooks and crannies of your life, you clear up energy, energy that can then be channeled into a deeper goal that you need help achieving. The single most powerful way you can help yourself right now is by cleaning out all those nooks and crannies of your life, of your energy field. Challenge yourself to live in alignment with your highest self and to think, speak and act from that self every day. As you do this, the clutter will naturally fall away.... You have a whole world that exists around you energetically, tap into this energy field to help you to gain balance and move toward what your soul needs to be happy and healthy.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Joy of Our New Place......

Although traces of the old world still remain, many of us have already experienced the shift that we have been waiting for. The shifts have been at a deep level, at the level of our subconscious minds and our souls. This is the level in which any significant change occurs first. The physical change is occurring now as well, so if your external reality has not started to shift, keep your faith, for the wave will come your way soon!!

Finding joy where we are now is essential within this cycle of death and birth. There will always be times in our lives when something is ending, when we are transitioning and mourning the loss of our former lives, this always occurs right before we are able to glimpse how our current realities have the potential to hold even more light, joy and abundance than our past.

I have been surrounded by individuals lately that have been without a job. I have observed each of them going through a similar cycle, first of mourning the old job, then entering into a period of getting themselves out there and finding something (planting the seeds), only to next enter a down cycle in which they were contemplating what they were meant to do with their lives and what makes them happy on a deeper level (the gestation period). It was just when each of the individuals found ways to connect to their lives in new ways, having time to contemplate the activities that truly brought them joy and then making decisions to slowly integrate these into their lives, that the phone rang and a job was found (the harvest). The cycle has repeated with family, friends and stories from clients and acquaintances. We are all moving through the same process in one way or another, we just don’t often discuss with other the intimate feelings of our soul, and so we don’t generally connect with people on that level.

This process is one that requires much self-love and patience. It is not always a clean process, and finding a new ground to stand on, once your old ground has fallen from beneath you, can require diligence to shape. So as we stand at the threshold of Fall, on the brink of bringing in the harvest from the seeds we have been planting all year….take some time every day to close your eyes and remember that changes that have already occurred within, as you continue to visualize yourself as that who you wish to be, that new you has no choice but to be birthed into your reality, this process is automatic, simply aligning your thoughts and actions with that of your new reality will always automatically bring about physical change.

As we move through the full moon in Pisces over the next few days, the energies surrounding us will be of heightened sensitivity, this is a powerful time to visualize yourself where you want to be for the moon in Pisces, and especially a full moon offers a heightened connection with the energetic world, and by connecting to this place while visualizing your future self, you have the opportunity to propel the current possibilities of your external reality forward. Take advantage of the energy that the cycles of nature provide you and you will fall into a rhythm; flowing with the river of life and being with the present moment in a way that allows your future to grow into it’s highest potential.

From my place in the universe to yours, blessings for the days ahead,
