Greetings Kindred Spirits!
What a year full of changes it has been for all of us. 2008 was a year of new beginnings for many, some were new beginnings we had been waiting for, other times we found ourselves caught off guard by the changes, and many are still in the middle of the changes that began in 2008. Just because our calendar year changes it does not always mean we truly begin anew in our lives. However, it is always a time for an internal shift, a time to shift our perspectives. And it is often with these internal shifts, that the external shifts that we are waiting for sprout. As we exit one year and move into the next, it is the perfect time to reconnect with our authentic selves and ask the question, “What were my areas of growth in the past year, and where do I feel that I need to concentrate on growing this year?” It is just as important to recognize where we have grown in the past as it is to focus on the future, for it is in the seeds of gratitude for the strength and perseverance that we have had (and this year has brought much of that for us) that the stronger more energetically aligned versions of ourselves are allowed to blossom in the new year.
Many of us have experienced many changes on the home front. We have yet to adjust to these changes yet, and may still be in the middle of adjusting, or finding our place of comfort and security amidst the haze of everything that has occurred in the past months. Fear not, for these changes have been divinely orchestrated and it will only take a shift in perspective to allow things to flow in the New Year. Look ahead to the opportunities that exist and banish worry from your mind this year. Focusing on the future and the good that lies in the situation right now are your greatest allies for change this year.
This will require more silent time. Our minds have been swirling with worries and concerns about what is to come for much of the latter half of 2008. Quieting our minds is ESSENTAIL right now for the new insights to be able to come through. Our inspiration and guidance is at our fingertips, but our minds are cloudy with thoughts….. Finding time to relax our minds, to get away from it all and just listen to the divine silence that is waiting to assist us is so important right now.
Light a candle and allow yourself to fall into the realization that everything is happening exactly as it should be! The questions that are still swirling around concerning home life, professional life and business and personal relationships will all resolve themselves in time. Now is the time to rest our faith in the greater power that we know to be there, it is time to release the worries that have plagued us. Release the stories running through our minds about what is wrong right now and embrace your inner power. This is the time like no other. It is one of the greatest times of awakening of our human spirit that we have seen in hundreds of years, and recognizing that things on the outside have to be this way right now will allow us to flow with more grace and ease into this internal awakening of power.
This is also the year of the Goddess. It is the year to surrender your male energies that led you through 2008, the energies of doing, going, thinking, planning, doing, going, thinking, planning….. We have laid much of the foundation for this year already. Simply paying more careful attention to what we have already done and quietly listening to the voice inside of us is the power that the Goddess brings. It is time for us to nurture ourselves, to take care of our spirits, to nurture our inner selves, for this is where our success will stem from, this is where our futures will be built upon, not upon the outside structures that we once relied upon.
Our current situation is requiring all of us to reach down deep within our hearts and souls and ask what is really important in our lives. What is it that I really want? Where do I really want to live? Who do I really want to be spending my time with? We DO have the ability, more so now than ever, to create the realities that we want to live in. Some of us are almost there, others feel more lost then ever, most of us are somewhere in between. It is our independence that will be the foundation for our success in the future. We no longer need to rely on the old power structures to hold us up, to provide us our paychecks, or put a roof over our heads. Instead, we are moving into a new future, a future in which we will take care of ourselves like no other time in the past. The new smaller communities are beginning to from, reach out to those people that resonate with you, for they may be your new family. These ‘new families’ will serve the same purpose as our old institutions did, they will provide us with a new sense of security, of peace and wellbeing.
Spend this time now reflecting on what it is that you truly want then. Take out that journal that has been left unused and create a vision for 2009 today! There is no time like the present to shape our futures! It is in defining your dreams and aspirations and then asking for spiritual guidance that these same dreams and visions will come into manifestation. Your powers are greater than you realize. We are all undergoing a realigning to spiritual energy this year; it only takes an opening to this possibility in order to truly bring this assistance into your life. Your spiritual guides, angels and universal god and goddess energy are here for you today! We all have the ability to access this spiritual power to improve our lives here, no matter where we are in our spiritual journey, no matter how often we connect to our spiritual center, we are all on a journey of deepening that connection this year.
It is quieting our minds that will bring us closer to this spiritual connection. It is through not only meditation, but regular periods of stillness, turn off the tv, drive without the radio on, spend a night in silence, create a regular night of writing, emptying out your mind, instead of our regular practice of filling it up. We need space between our thoughts to hear from our angels and from God, create that space and watch the magic pour into your life.
Most of all, take time to nurture yourself. Everything will still be waiting there for you when you get back. Create regular time within your days, weeks and months to take a time out and honor the delicate energetic being that you are. We have been going strong for 2008, the Goddess energy that surrounds us in 2009 is an energy that requires softening our approach towards life. It is an energy that requires us to open our hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities that exist for us that we do NOT have to work for. Beautiful synchronicities come into your life when you stop to take a deep breath. If you go on without allowing for that time, you also don’t allow for the magical moments to appear in your life.
Treat yourself with care, slow down, sit in stillness and observe the beautiful garden that you have planted and ALLOW it to blossom. Nurture this garden with delicate love and compassion, do not rush it, for our lives mimic nature, when we try to force things to grow, the only thing that emerges is frustration, when we wait with gratitude in our hearts, the flowering begins… And while you are at it, put some of that love and compassion on your neighbor’s gardens as well. We are all entering a time of great blossoming and growth, helping to fertilize and water the gardens of our neighbors will only enhance the soil that we have planted in as well.
Wishing each and every one of you a month full of surrender, grace and gratitude for what it is that you have in your life right now, for it is truly the time to count our blessings and thank our creator for bringing our souls such life changing experiences and lessons!
From the bottom of my heart,
Monday, January 5, 2009
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